Monday, July 2, 2007

Listo Slackware 12.0!

Finalmente Patrick Volkerding ha anunciado que Slackware 12.0 está oficialmente disponible!

Excelentes noticias para todas aquellas personas que gozamos de esta excelente distribución de linux, ahora incorpora más facilidades para los nobeles como detección y montaje automático de camaras digitales, memory sticks entre otros detalles interesants.

El Anuncio Oficial lo encuentran aquí:

Well folks, it's that time to announce a new stable Slackware release again. So, without further ado, announcing Slackware version 12.0!

Since we've moved to supporting the 2.6 kernel series exclusively (and fine-tuned the system to get the most out of it), we feel that Slackware 12.0 has many improvements over our last release (Slackware 11.0) and is a must-have upgrade for any Slackware user.

This first Slackware edition of the year combines Slackware's legendary simplicity (and close tracking of original sources), stability, and security with some of the latest advances in Linux technology. Expect no less than the best Slackware yet.

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